Viagra has been well known for years as being the pill you use when you are dealing with erectile dysfunction. If you find that you are suffering from low blood flow to the penis this is the pill that men take to help with that issue, but according to a study that was done at the U.K.’s University of Manchester it can also protect you from heart failure and heart attacks as well.
Researchers that were working on this found that patients who were diabetic that took Viagra had a lower risk of suffering from a heart attack and a lower chance of dying from any heart failure over those that did not take Viagra.
BMJ Heart is a journal that is going to publish the results of the study that was done. The study looked at 6,000 men who were diabetic and that had been given a prescription for Viagra due to them suffering from erectile dysfunction. When they took a look at these men they found that they had a lower risk of having a heart attack or any heart failure. But that is not the only research that has been done that finds that Viagra may be good for the heart.
A study that was done in 2014 and was subsequently published in the BMC Medicine journal found out that Viagra can prevent the heart muscle from becoming thick and it can also prevent heart failure in the early stage.
When looking at heart failure, it has been found that it is generally caused by having a heart attack and that attack has caused damage to the heart and it also interferes with the hearts ability to pump blood. Unfortunately there is no medicine that can control heart failure and there is no cure for it either. It is a condition that is devastating that affects your entire body because the proper blood flow isn’t being circulated.
Viagra has a pronounced effect on the heart because it slows the progression of heart failure that may occur and it can also lower the likelihood that you will have an arrhythmia that could be fatal as well.