Viagra as an Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

After the authorization of Viagra by the food and drug administration FDA, an answer was found for men grappling with erectile dysfunction. It led to a wider range of deliberations regarding men’s sexual vitality. Before the Viagra endorsement, sexual stamina, particularly erectile dysfunction, was not discussed to the extent it is being done today.

With several commercial ads for the erectile dysfunction medications, individuals began to realize how common the condition was. According to WebMD, erectile dysfunction affects almost 20 million Americans, especially over 50-year-old men.

Presently, various drugs are sold to treat erectile dysfunction including Viagra. Nevertheless, other treatments also exist for the condition; they include hormone therapy, physical exercise, conscription bands, and psychologist’s visits.

According to the Men’s Health Clinic at the American Center, hardening of heart, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol cause approximately 70 percent of erectile dysfunction. However, other aspects that many men are likely unaware of, that causes erectile dysfunctions are depression and surgeries that affect the nerves such as colon and prostate surgeries.

For most men with the erectile dysfunction, they can have an erection but cannot uphold it. Since sex is a type of vigorous activity, all medical experts attending the erectile dysfunction patients are always required to assess whether their patients are of good health for sex before prescribing pills or Viagra. When a man cannot walk more than two staircases without being short of breath or have pain in the chest, then he may not be steady for coital from a cardiovascular perspective.

Bottom Line

Before the Viagra approval, some issues regarding men’s sexual health were ignored. The erectile dysfunction drugs adverts led to the realization that the condition affected many men. Apart from Viagra, this condition can be treated in other ways as mentioned above.