Q. My doctor orders routine blood tests before my annual physical exam, mostly to check my cholesterol levels and to make sure that my kidneys and liver are functioning properly. For the most recent blood test, she authorized a test to measure the levels of testosterone in my blood. During my appointment, she told me that my T-levels were low but still within the broad range of what’s considered normal. Would testosterone replacement therapy bolster my erectile function better than Viagra?

A. Although testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, it doesn’t play a direct role in erectile function. However, it does have a great deal to do with a man’s sex drive, without which it’s unlikely he’d be having any erections at all.

If you find that your spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, it’s unlikely that testosterone replacement therapy would be of much help to you. If, however, your sex drive is not what it once was, it’s possible that hormone replacement therapy could help to fire up your libido once again.