Your best strategy to improve erectile function is to live as healthy a life as possible. It can’t be emphasized enough that what you eat provides the foundation for your overall health. If you can’t resist the siren call of fast food’s high fats and empty calories, that foundation will be a very weak one indeed.
Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimizing your intake of red meat are good first steps. If you crave animal products, try to satisfy that hunger with poultry and fish that are rich in healthy fats.
You can further reinforce your healthy foundation by staying active. According to, “Sedentary men may be able to reduce their risk of erectile dysfunction by adopting regular physical activity at a level of at least 200 calories a day, which corresponds to walking briskly for two miles.”
If you’re overweight, which puts unnecessary stress on your overall body, take sensible steps to lose those excess pounds. Smokers need to kick the habit, and all men should take care to use alcohol in moderation. Following these steps can significantly improve a man’s health and promote optimal erectile function.