Yes, Viagra and its competitors are convenient, and they work for most men. However, some people are allergic to these drugs, and some cannot take drugs like Viagra because they take beta blockers or nitrates for heart problems. For these men, injection therapy is an effective option.

Who might benefit from this type of erectile dysfunction treatment?

Men who cannot safely take drugs in the PDE-5 class of erectile dysfunction treatments benefit from having an injectable option for treating their erection problems. In particular, men who

• Take nitrates such as nitroglycerine
• Have unusually low blood pressure (hypotension)
• Have uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension)
• Have severe liver problems
• Must undergo dialysis for kidney disease

may benefit from injection therapy for erectile dysfunction.

Just because a man can’t safely take oral medications for erectile dysfunction doesn’t mean he’s out of options.

The actual needles used for the injections are tiny, and injections are made into the side or base of the penis. Pain from the injection is usually minor to negligible. The medications take effect right away, and most allow men to have an erection for 20 to 40 minutes. If the dosage is too high, causing an erection to last longer than an hour, it will need to be adjusted lower to avoid complications.