Erectile Dysfunction Question:

I Use Cialis 5mg Regularly, Sometimes it Works for Me and Sometimes it Does Not. What May Be the Reason? (I don’t drink alcohol) Does this mean I should try a higher dose? Any info helps. Thanks!!!

Doctor Alsayes Answer:

First of all, it’s very important to point out that none of ED medication would ever work without a sexual stimulation. These medications are designed to increase the blood flow in the penile tissue leading to the erection in the presence of sexual desires. So if you are “not in the mood” or stressful or out of focus, you will find these medications useless at these moments.

On the other hand, it can be affected by food or alcohol. For instance, fatty meals are the enemy of Cialis, they can make it harder for the medicine to reach the bloodstream. So make sure you avoid them just before taking the Cialis.

Also, it’s common for the human body to build up a tolerance to drugs. So if you have been using Cialis for a long time and frequently then your body may have built some level of tolerance to the medication and that’s why it’s not effective as it once it was for you. In this case, you may change to a different type, such as Viagra.

I’d suggest you increase the dose first to 10 mg (which actually the recommended dose) and see how your body reacts. Also remember to take it on an empty stomach or two hours after eating the last meal, and 1 hours before the intercourse. Let’s see how that would work.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes