Viagra Question
In my early 30s, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which I manage to control well with prescription medications. Does being a diabetic make me more likely to develop erectile dysfunction, and does Viagra interfere with the workings of diabetic medications?
Diabetes, including both types I and II, is a medical condition that often leads to erectile dysfunction, primarily because diabetes causes serious damage to both nerves and blood vessels, both of which play key roles in male sexual function.
Generally speaking, men who have diabetes, regardless of which type, are two to three times more likely to develop ED than men who are not diabetic. Roughly half of all men who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will develop ED within 10 years of their diagnosis.
Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to properly regulate the levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Of the two primary types of diabetes, type 2 is the most common, accounting for 90 percent of all diabetes diagnoses. It most often develops in men and women who are overweight and sedentary, both of which are also risk factors for ED.
Working with your doctor to carefully monitor and manage your blood sugar levels can reduce your chances of developing ED. In some cases, reversing some of the health conditions that led to a diabetes diagnosis can sharply decrease the potential damage the disease has on other body systems.