Viagra Question

Does an occasional problem getting an erection mean that it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be unable to get one on my own? Is Viagra the only answer to my problem?


Almost every man experiences occasional difficulty in getting an erection, and the inability to rise to the occasion every once in a while has no permanent implications unless it becomes part of a consistent pattern. Too much stress in the workplace or on the homefront, overindulgence in alcohol, and occasional bouts of anxiety can all lead to erection problems from time to time. Don’t assign too much significance to these incidents unless they are occurring regularly.

While it’s possible that Viagra could help you get and keep an erection when you’re unable to do so on your own, it probably is better to recognize that external or psychological factors are temporarily interfering and then tell your partner that you’re just not up to it at the moment.

It is always possible, of course, to become obsessed with these occasional bouts of impotence to the extent that your fears of impending ED become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Face it, none of us is ready for sex all the time, regardless of the male myths to the contrary.