Some researchers have stressed that porn is just a masturbation aid and has been around for decades. We agree on that, but in the past there were only magazines such as playboy which is considered soft-core porn. The internet has not been around for this long and now that men can watch streaming video, any fantasy is just a few clicks away. Men are constantly browsing the web looking from harder and more extreme types of porn, something they have not seen before. Each time they are doing this they are causing brain chemistry desensitization, to the point where they have developed a dependency on porn and without it they cannot get aroused and therefore no erections.

Read More on Internet Porn and Find Out How Much Is Too Much?

Unlike several types of erectile dysfunction that are not reversible, porn induced ED can be. For men who have diabetes, erectile dysfunction is a condition that will need to be treated with meds. Those who have ED because of excessive porn viewing HAVE TO QUIT WATCHING PORN! We have read e-mails of some men who were able to balance both, watching a little bit of porn and still being able to get erections. However, in most cases the only way out is to STOP WATCNING PORN for at least 3 months, then check to see if things have improved and take it from there.

Once you stop watching porn you can get your erections back.

Here is an e-mail we received from a man who was able to get his erections back by slowly reversing what he had done. Very interesting testimonial, he actually did everything backwards, by going from Extreme porn, back to hardcore, then to soft core and then NONE:

I am probably one of the biggest porn addicts online. I started at the age of 16 and am now 29. I have been a virgin for the most of my twenties and practically never had sex, except with a prostitute at the age on 24, but this was only possible with the help of a cialis pill I had.

I want to share my story of how I got severe ED by only watching porn. Hopefully my story can inspire others to follow my tracks.

I started by checking out nude playboy pics online, through the yahoo images search (turning off the safe search feature). This went on for a few weeks until I discover several free hardcore porn sites (did not have a credit card at 17 LOL, free was the only way). Once I was at hardcore, playboy was a joke and I needed something more extreme. I spent at least 3 years on one particular site which updated its movie clips daily, so I always got something fresh, but that got old fast.

After time flew by I went on the search for something I had never seen before, I am not going to mention it but if you do enough research you will find whatever sexual fantasy you have, on the internet. It gets to the point where you run out of places to look. By the time I was 27 I was masturbating 3 times a day and had no social life with girls what so ever. If I saw an Asian girl at the mall or wherever, I just got home and starting looking at Asian porn, problem solved right? Wrong!

To my surprise I met a great girl at friend’s graduation and she actually asked me out. To make a long story short, we fell in love and dated for 2 months until we finally tried to get intimate. I was not expecting to get erection trouble when she stripped for me, but I was as soft as can be! This went on happing at least 3 times and I was still watching porn during all of this. After doing my research, I came to the conclusion it was the porn. I do not have much will power but was willing to do anything to keep this girl. She was at the point of breaking up with me, so I had to act fast.

I grabbed my balls and started reversing what I had done. For a whole week I first started on the initial hardcore site I used years ago, which was extreme but not as others I use to visit. I then gradually scaled back done to playboy, where I was able to get erections again no problem, after the week was over I decided, that’s it, no more porn for me. It was hard and I almost budged a few times but I was able to go for 7 more weeks with NO porn.

It did work just as I had planned, I was able to get an erection when my girl and I started making out, and the rest came naturally. I was no longer dependant on porn and am still porn free.

If you want my honest advice, then step back from porn or it will ruin your chances of ever starting a family or being intimate with girls. Gradually roll back what you have put your mine through and get back to those erections you use to get when you saw a girls thong or even a boob.

It takes time, but give your self at least 2 months and you will notice the difference.”