Online Porn Causing Young Men to Have Erectile Dysfunction, but It’s Treatable!

The idea that pornography might be harmful to the viewer is a hard pill to swallow, but more studies suggest just that. Erectile dysfunction is rapidly becoming an ailment of the masses. Whereas a decade ago, older men struggled with impotence, research shows that erectile dysfunction is now so joint that men in their twenties think that an inability to perform sexually is perfectly normal. The common link is, more often than not, internet pornography.

Man watching porn on his pc

The otherwise healthy young men seeking impotence treatment today come “from various cultures, with different levels of education, religiosity, attitudes, values, diets, marijuana use, and personalities,” says Marnia Robinson, who recently presented a collection of studies on the topic online with Psychology Today. “They have only two things in common: heavy use of today’s Internet porn and increasing need for more extreme material.

Doctors find men perfectly healthy, ED caused by Porn and Performance Anxiety.

Many have visited doctors only to find out that they are healthy and there is no reason why they can’t perform. Doctors often tell them that they suffer from performance anxiety, lacking any better diagnosis. But when even masturbation without porn or porn-induced fantasies is brutal, performance anxiety is hardly the problem.

Treating ED Caused By Performance Anxiety In Young Men

Experts say that it is not the pornography itself that is harmful; it’s the availability. With the growth of the internet, porn is never more than three clicks away, and the variation is endless. Users quickly and unknowingly train their brains to expect new partners, new positions, and more titillating scenarios. Like a drug addict, the internet pornography addict needs to continue upgrading to bigger and better porn to keep getting erections and ejaculations. In the end, no honest woman can compete; the libido drops, and impotence sets in.