Maybe you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Maybe things have just been a bit stressful at the office. Maybe you’re just not in the mood. However you choose to justify it, there are a million different ways to write off a missed erection. After all, you might reason, not getting it up every once in a while isn’t anything to panic about.
Well, that missed erection could soon snowball into a full-blown problem. One missed erection becomes two, two becomes several, several becomes constantly. Before you know it, you aren’t able to get down to business between the sheets anymore and you’re kicking yourself over ignoring the issue in the first place.
There is always a catalyst for erectile dysfunction, and very rarely will the problem naturally go away. Something is causing you to miss erections, and it is important that you get to the root of the issue. Sitting idly by and assuming that the problem will work itself out is a recipe for disaster.
Whether it’s stress-related, due to feelings of insecurity, a poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or a litany of other possible reasons, your erection can be reclaimed by taking the necessary steps to overcome the cause. Eat better, get active, confront your feelings; whatever you think you need to do, do it.
Erectile dysfunction can also be an early warning sign of a much more serious problem. Heart disease, diabetes, clogged blood vessels, and Parkinson’s have all been linked to erectile dysfunction. If you choose to wait it out, you could be doing irreparable damage to your body.
So guys, don’t wait and see when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Get serious about it, and work to overcome it.