So, you’ve finally decided to seek medical help for your erectile dysfunction. Worry not, fellow man. Medication such as Viagra and Levitra will help you regain your former erectile glory, and your partner won’t think any less of you for seeking outside help for your problem.
But when it finally comes time to pick your erectile dysfunction medication, the choices can be somewhat overwhelming. Should you go with Viagra? Or would Stendra better suit my needs? What about Levitra? Sure, they all ultimately do the same thing, but which one is right for me?
Well, each of the major erectile dysfunction medications have subtle differences that set them apart from each other. Here are some facts about these medications that can help you to determine which pill will work best for you.
-Must be taken 30 mintes to 1 hour before sexual activity
-Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work
-If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Viagra to kick in
-Effects last up to 4 hours
-Must be taken 30 mintes to 1 hour before sexual activity
– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work
– If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Levitra to kick in
-Effects last up to 5 hours
-Can be taken 15 minutes before sexual activity
– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work
-Can be taken with or without food. If taken with food, this will not affect the dispersal time for the drug
-Effects last up to a day
-Can be taken 15 minutes before sexual activity
– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work
– If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Stendra to kick in
-Effects last up to 4 hours
-Must be taken an hour before sexual activity
– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work
-Staxyn is not ingested. It is placed under the tongue, where it dissolves
-Effects last up to 4 hours