Have you been trading out the whole grain for fried chicken lately? Instead of fruits and vegetables, do you find yourself reaching for candy? If so, you might find yourself a little bigger than you used to be. Sure, food that is bad for you is almost universally delicious, but if you opt to go with sugary, fatty foods, your erection may end up paying the price.

Yes, while what you eat and your erection don’t seem like they would be related whatsoever, the truth is that your diet can play a vital part in your erectile health.

This is because your diet greatly affects your cardiovascular health, which your erection is dependent upon to work properly. If you eat poorly, you will begin to gain weight. As you gain weight, your heart will have to work a little harder to keep up with the new demands of the body. When the heart is working overtime to keep up, blood flow will slow. When your blood flow slows down, your body will have to work harder to get blood to your lower extremities, such as your penis. When your penis can’t be quickly provided with blood, this leads to missed erections, which could then snowball into full blown erectile dysfunction.

As you gain weight, your cardiovascular system will have to work even harder to accommodate for this newfound weight, and your chances of erectile dysfunction will grow. If you’re looking to avoid developing a gut and losing your erection, stick to healthy foods and an active lifestyle. The occasional ice cream cone never hurt anybody, but if enjoyed in excess, you could be running into erectile problems down the line.