If you’re afflicted with premature ejaculation, you’ve probably scoured to the ends of the Earth for ways to last just a little bit longer between the sheets. You’ve seen plenty of home remedies and wacky solutions, and nothing seems to work. The one technique you keep stumbling upon is the stop-and-go technique. It sounds so simple and silly that there’s no way it can possibly work, right?

Actually, this sexually tinged game of “Red Light, Green Light” might be one of the best methods of prolonging your time in the bedroom. But despite its simplicity, it does require some degree of concentration.

When utilizing the stop-and-go technique, it is imperative that you be able to gauge your excitement level. If you try and use stop-and-go too early in the game, it won’t work, but if you try to use it too late, you’ll miss your window. When you’re in the thick of it, you need to be able to gauge your mid-level excitement level. This is defined as the level when you feel like you’re beginning to approach the end, but you’re not so far along that it’s bound to happen any second.

When you reach this magical level, it’s time to withdraw. Pull out and stop all sexual stimulation. Take a minute to catch your breath. Think about baseball or kittens; whatever gets you out of the sexual mind frame.

Once you feel collected and no longer in danger of finishing, you’re safe to reengage. Repeat this as needed.

It’s as simple as that. Once you can read your excitement levels, you’ll find it much easier to last in bed. Utilizing the stop-and-go technique will eventually become second nature, and you will no longer have to fear about reaching your peak too quickly.