So, it’s happened; you’ve developed erectile dysfunction. You can’t seem to get your little guy to sit up and pay attention when it’s time to get down to business in the sheets, no matter how hard you try. Your friends suggested a couple “sure-fire” techniques that were supposed to help your erection spring back to life, but they all failed. Face it; you’ve got erectile dysfunction.
But don’t spend your time kicking yourself and cursing your luck. Erectile dysfunction is not an absolute death knell for your precious erection. If approached correctly, erectile dysfunction can be overcome and defeated, and your erection should return to its former glory in no time.
If you want to save your little guy, it’s time to get serious about living well.
This means a diet focusing on fruits, veggies, and whole grains, with as little unhealthy sugar and fatty foods as humanly possible. While we’re on the topic of what you need to put in your body to beat your ED, it would also be wise to cut out cigarettes and overdrinking. A glass of wine every now and again isn’t going to undo all your hard work, but drinking to excess isn’t going to do your erection any favors.
Once you’ve started eating better, it’s time to get active. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, your erection is eventually going to pay the price. If you’re lazy and eat poorly, your waistline will grow, your arteries will narrow, and blood flow to the penis will be a difficult endeavor. Whatever you have to do to get up and get active, do it. Run a mile every day, create a workout regiment, lift weights, do leg lifts at work; if it gets you sweating, it’s good for your erection.
After some time, your positive lifestyle change should exponentially help your erection. As you slim down and eat better, blood flow will improve, which will make it easier for blood to reach the penis and cause an erection. Plus, this is a win/win; you’ll slim down, feel better about yourself, and regain your erection.