While most men would be quick to label erectile dysfunction as a medical issue that they won’t have to worry about until they’re well into their golden years, the fact is that erectile dysfunction can strike at any age. It’s certainly true that ED becomes much more prevalent amongst older men, but there are plenty of young and middle-aged men dealing with ED.

While erectile dysfunction is an issue that can be easily overcome with medical help and consultation with a doctor, many men would be hesitant to talk to a doctor about such an embarrassing issue. ED is definitely an intimate, difficult to discuss ailment, refusing to seek medical help due to embarrassment is a sure fire way for your problem to get worse.

Due to many men’s hesitance to speak to a doctor about their erectile dysfunction, many experts believe that reported percentages of men dealing with the issue are skewed, with the reported number more than likely being much lower than the actual number.

But as it stands, research has found the percentage of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction per age group breaks down as such:

18-29: 7%

30-39: 9%

40-49: 11%

50-59 18%

57-64: 31%

65-74: 45%

75-85: 43%

Think about that. These numbers are still pretty high, but most experts think the actual numbers are even higher. The simple truth is that ED is common, no matter your age. If you find yourself struggling with erectile dysfunction, consult a doctor and work towards overcoming the problem.