Ask any man about erectile dysfunction and they’ll probably tell you that it’s something that happens to all men as they age. ED is seen as an inevitability; something to worry about once a man is well into their golden years. After all, most men would reckon that sex isn’t a big part of the autumn of life, so losing your erection won’t be a huge issue at that point.

But don’t resign yourself to losing your erection just yet. The truth is that erectile dysfunction is not a normal part of aging. Even when you’re well into the latter part of your life, you should still be able to achieve an erection, provided you make the right choices in life.

Yes, to save your erection later, it’s all about what kind of choices you make now. Living healthy, staying active, and avoiding vices can do wonders for your health, and can ensure that you won’t have to worry about common health issues associated with the elderly. However, if you regularly overeat, don’t exercise, and drink and smoke to excess, you’re setting your body up for problems down the line.

Mental health is also an important aspect of keeping your erection. Depression and anxiety are common amongst the elderly, and it has been found that these feelings can lead to erectile dysfunction. When erectile dysfunction develops on account of anxiety or depression can oftentimes lead to the both issues getting worse. By finding ways to manage the stress in your life and keeping a positive outlook, you can ward off ED well into your twilight years.

While ED isn’t an inevitable part of aging, you’ll certainly experience some changes sexually later in life. Orgasms might not be as intense, arousal might take longer to achieve, and how long it takes to reach orgasm may increase, but if you live well, at least you won’t have to worry about losing your erection.