Every man experiences erectile dysfunction in one form or another at one point in his life, whether it’s a missed erection after a night of drinking or a missed night of intimacy. But it can be hard to determine if this bout of ED is simply a temporary issue or a full-blown case of erectile issues.

Thankfully, you don’t need to live in uncertainty when it comes to your erectile health. While the cause of ED can be difficult to determine, there is an easy test you can use while you sleep to determine if you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction.

This test requires a simple roll of postage stamps. Before heading to bed for the night, sit down and wrap the base of your penis in a ring of stamps. Make sure this ring of stamps completely envelops the base of your penis, and ensure there are no breaks or gaps in this ring.

After completing this ring, gingerly put your penis back into it’s typical resting state, and then hit the hay.

In the morning, check the ring of stamps. If the ring is broken, this indicates you had an erection while you slept, which means that your body is fully capable of achieving an erection, and that your erectile woes could be temporary or mental in nature.

However, if the ring remains unbroken, this means you did not have an erection while you slept, which could indicate that there is a physical cause of your erectile dysfunction.

If this test suggests that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, consult your doctor about what might be causing this issue and how you can work to overcome it.