When it comes to erectile health medication, it’s all about getting the best bang for your buck. If you take the drug at the wrong time, you’ll find yourself twiddling your thumbs and waiting for the effects to kick in. Alternatively, if you take it too early, you may find the effects wearing off before you can put them to use. When it comes to erectile dysfunction medication, it’s all about timing.
The state of your body can also play a large part on when your ED medication kicks in, which is why it is imperative to take your medication at the right time. One of the most important factors for your ED medication is the state of your stomach.
You see, because ED medication is ingested, it ends up in the stomach. Once in the stomach, the fullness of your stomach plays a large role in when you can expect your medication to take hold.
Many advise taking ED medication after eating, but this isn’t necessarily wise if time is of the essence. When ED medication is taken on a full stomach, it’s going to take longer for the medication to do what it needs to do. Your stomach addresses food on a “first come, first served” basis, digesting the food that came in first, working through everything in your stomach until it is empty. If you take your ED medication after a large meal, it will be a while before your medication is fully digested, which means it will be quite a while into it’s effects take hold.
As such, if you’re looking to put your ED medication to work sooner rather than later, take your medication on an empty stomach. This ensures the medication is unimpeded, allowing it to be processed quickly, dispersed throughout your body, and allowing you to get down to business.