The sky is blue, grass is green, and men lose their ability to achieve an erection when they get old. These are just facts as far as the world is concerned, but the whole “loss of erection” thing isn’t as set in stone as everyone seems to think.

While it is true that your body will experience a variety of changes as you grow older, this does not mean that your erection is going to kick the bucket the moment you hit your golden years. In fact, it’s not even a guarantee that you’ll lose your erectile virility even when you’re into your 90’s. It all depends on whether or not you take care of yourself.

You see, your erection depends upon steady blood flow from your heart. As you grow older, your arteries will narrow and your heart might struggle to keep up with the newfound needs of your body, which all equates to reduced blood flow.

However, with healthy living, you may be able to sidestep these issues entirely. Eating well, staying active, and avoiding vices such as smoking and overdrinking can do wonders for your body. By living well, you can ensure that your body won’t have to struggle to keep up with the demands of poor living.

So, while erectile dysfunction might strike one day, you can ensure that it won’t be for a long, long time by living well. If you look after your body, erectile dysfunction isn’t an inevitability. But if you consistently eat fatty meals, live a sedentary lifestyle, and smoke and drink too much, you’re erection will kick the bucket one day and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.