While intercourse is supposed to be a fun, relaxed experience, many men find themselves nervous to perform. A new partner means new likes, new dislikes, and new quirks to learn and discover, and the fear that you won’t be able to satisfy your partner can be overwhelming. For some men, this anxiety can translate into the inability to rise to the occasion. This performance anxiety induced erectile dysfunction is very common, and it can be very frustrating. Thankfully, there are ways to overcome this issue.

Sexual performance anxiety-induced ED is related to your brain. Your brain interprets your anxious feelings, and this jumbles up the signals of sexual excitement that are being sent from downstairs, leading to your brain not communicating to your penis that it’s time to get to work.

First and foremost, you need to remind yourself that sex is supposed to be fun, not nerve wracking. Relax and enjoy the ride. If you get in your head that this, that, and the other could go wrong, you’ll struggle to get it up. Shake off your nervousness and focus on enjoying the experience.

Secondly, take it slow. Skipping foreplay and jumping right into sex could lead to your sexual anxiety getting worse, ensuring that you won’t be able to achieve an erection. Tell your partner that you want to ease into it, and work your way up to sex. Give your body time to relax and prepare for the act.

Temporary ED is very common, but it can be beaten with work.