If you’ve found it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection lately, you might be questioning whether your issue is a temporary one or if you should consult your doctor. As the issue gets more obvious, you begin to face facts: you need to see a doctor about this.
While talking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction can be embarrassing, it’s important to remember that it’s the first step towards solving the problem. But with so many questions and concerns, it can be a little difficult to decide just what you need to ask your doctor to ensure that all your fears are addressed.
Well, worry not. Below you will find 8 questions that you should ask your doctor about ED. These questions will allow you to get all the answers you need, while simultaneously helping to establish how this issue can be conquered.
So, when it comes time to pay a visit to your doctor, remember to ask:
1. Could an underlying health issue be causing my ED?
2. Could any of my medications be causing my ED?
3. Could smoking or drinking be the cause of my ED?
4. Could psychological issues such as stress or anxiety be contributing to my ED?
5. If my issue is mental in nature, should I see a sex counselor or psychiatrist?
6. Could an ED drug such as Viagra work for me?
7. With the solution we have laid out, how much improvement can I expect?
8. Should we look into a nonmedical treatment (i.e. implants or surgery?)