You’ve crunched the numbers, and nothing makes sense. You’re young, you’re healthy, and life is good; then why are you struggling with premature ejaculation? You suddenly find yourself fighting to last mere minutes at bed, and it’s got you worried. Is something wrong? Is this normal for someone your age?

Despite the public consensus that premature ejaculation is an issue that should not be discussed, don’t let this fool you. Premature ejaculation is a very common issue, and it affects men of all ages, health backgrounds, and walks of life. In fact, a recently conducted survey found that 1 out of 3 men have dealt with premature ejaculation issues at one point in their life.

While premature ejaculation can affect men at any age, the average age of men afflicted with premature ejaculation tends to be around 35. Researchers attribute this younger age skew due to younger men typically having to deal with new situations more often. Younger men have to deal with job changes, new bosses, new houses, new girlfriends; all this new-ness can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.

But premature ejaculation can affect older men, too. These same psychological factors can affect men of any age, so it’s not unusual for a man over 40 to struggle with premature ejaculation as a result of psychological factors.

Ultimately, premature ejaculation is an extremely common issue for men. If you find yourself struggling with premature ejaculation, talk to your doctor and work out a way to overcome it and get back to lasting between the sheets.