Your partner may have noticed that your love making sessions have been ending abruptly as of late, and questions are beginning to develop. You’ve managed to avoid the conversation by saying that work has been stressful or that you’ve got a headache, but you’ll only be able to avoid the conversation for so long. It’s time to face facts: You’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, and your partner deserves to know.

While most men feel as though erectile dysfunction is an issue that really only affects the man afflicted with it, the truth is that ED can take its toll on both partners. When you remove sex from a relationship, feelings of resentment can develop, and if left unaddressed, this could potentially lead to cracks developing in your relationship.

When you finally broach the topic, make sure to reinforce that it is not your partner’s fault. Your partner may feel responsible for your ED, and it’s important to establish that no blame can be assigned for this issue. When dealing with ED, it’s important to have a support system to turn to, so if you play the blame game you could end up losing your biggest supporter.

Make sure to address that your ED is not indicative of your feelings for your partner. Oftentimes, ED can be seen as a sign of waning feelings in a relationship, but the truth is that ED is typically caused by physical issues, not mental ones. Stress that erectile dysfunction can be a scary for a man, and you’ll need your partner to remain strong while you deal with this issue.

While the ED conversation will be awkward, it’s a conversation you need to have. Your partner won’t leave you, your relationship won’t fall apart, and your partner won’t think less of you. Work towards the problem together and your erectile health should eventually return to normal.