So, it’s happened; you went to get down to business with your partner between the sheets, but your little guy won’t stand at attention. It’s the first time you’ve had such an issue, so you’re left wondering if you’ve got a full-blown problem. Maybe you had too much to drink? Maybe it’s just not your night? Surely, there must be a way to determine if you’ve got erectile dysfunction?
Thankfully, erectile health experts have devised a relatively easy test that can be performed in the comfort of your own home that can determine if you’ve got erectile dysfunction. And for men worrying that the test will require expensive kits or pricey specialized items, worry not. It only requires a simple roll of stamps.
Pick up a standard issue roll of stamps from your local grocery store, and you’re ready to go. This test is performed while you are asleep, so set aside the stamps until bedtime. When it’s time to hit the hay, grab the stamps and use them to make an unbroken ring around the base of your penis. Sure, it sounds odd, but make sure the ring is well and truly unbroken, and it’s imperative that it is set up at the base of your penis, as setting it too high could lead to the ring breaking and ruining the test.
Once this ring has been set, go to sleep normally. The next morning, it’s time to check the ring. If the ring is broken, this indicates that your body subconsciously achieved an erection while you slept. A man’s body produces at least one erection while sleeping, so if your body can still achieve an erection, this indicates that your erectile woes could be due to a mental hang-up or could be a one-time thing.
But if the ring remains unbroken, that means your body cannot physically achieve an erection, even while unconscious, which is a solid indicator that you have developed erectile dysfunction.
After conducting this test, it would be wise to speak to a medical professional, so you determine the best way to move forward with your issue.