Ask any man, and they’ll tell you that erectile dysfunction is just a fact of life as you grow older. The general consensus is that erectile woes come with aging, and that the loss of your erection is an inevitability. If pressed, these men would likely tell you that erectile dysfunction will strike when a man reaches his 70’s, or at least his 80’s. After all, a man’s body will begin to worsen as he ages, so it makes sense that the erection will be among the casualties.
But the truth is that erectile dysfunction is not set in stone. While its true that erection problems are more common amongst older men, that doesn’t mean that all older men will develop erectile dysfunction. In fact, with healthy living, positive choices, and work, a man will have no issues achieving an erection until the day he dies.
Erectile dysfunction tends to develop in older men because the heart struggles to provide blood to the extremities as you age. This can be because of heart issues or due to issues within the arteries, but it means that the penis cannot get enough blood to achieve an erection. These issues develop due to poor health choices, such as eating poorly, relying on tobacco, or not being active. By living poorly, the odds of ED developing as you age will only grow.
But it’s never too late to start fresh. Research has found that men as old as 40 have been able to make positive lifestyle changes and reverse years of living poorly. Cut out overly fast food, cut out cigarettes, don’t drink to excess, get a work out regimen; if you want to save your erection, start living well and your body will do the rest.