When the term “erectile dysfunction” is used, most men would associate it with men in their golden years. ED is seen as an issue for the elderly; one more health problem to worry about for the over 70 crew. After all, if you look after your body, there should be no reason for your erection to kick the bucket until you’re apart of the geriatric set, right?
Unfortunately, the association of erectile dysfunction and aging is prevalent, albeit incorrect. In the public eye, ED is seen as an issue for men to experience as they age, but the truth is that ED can affect men of any age. There isn’t some magic age when your body suddenly becomes susceptible to erectile issues. Erectile dysfunction can strike at any time.
While it is true that older men are at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction, young men can struggle with ED, too. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that erectile dysfunction afflicts more than 26% of men under 40. An overreliance on tobacco, alcohol, and living a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to the development in erectile dysfunction in younger men. Oftentimes, ED isn’t even related to physical issues, and can afflict younger men dealing with stress at work, relationship issues, or money problems.
So don’t think your safe from ED because of your age. The key to avoiding erectile dysfunction, whether your 90 or 20, is to cut out vices, get active, and eat well. Live a healthy lifestyle and you shouldn’t have to worry about your erection kicking the bucket any time soon.