Erectile dysfunction can strike men of all ages, creeds, and colors. Seemingly an infinite number of things can lead to the development of ED, including poor dental hygiene, not being active, and smoking too much. But while erectile woes can affect men no matter their age, what causes that ED to develop varies based on the age of the man.
Generally, older men tend to develop ED as a result of choices made in life. Drinking too much, not getting enough exercise, and eating poorly can all lead to complications in the body, which can translated into a lost erection. But with the younger crowd, erectile dysfunction tends to be more mental in nature.
Younger men typically have a million aspects of life to keep up with, such as work, school, and relationships. These various responsibilities can oftentimes lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. If a younger man is behind at work, which could translate into stress, which in turn becomes the inability to achieve an erection.
So, if you’re under 30 and you’ve struggled lately to get your little guy to stand at attention, odds are it’s all in your head. Get to the root of your stress/depression/anxiety, figure out a way to either overcome it or deal with it, and focus on moving past it. In time, if your feelings are properly dealt with, your erection should return to its former glory.