At first, it just seemed like a small inconvenience. Then, it graduated into a reoccurring irritation. Then, it jumped up to a constant worrying issue. You’ve tried your best to ignore it, but it’s time to face it; you have erectile dysfunction. While it may feel like the end of the world, rest assured that this is far from the case. Erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages, but with the proper approach, it can be overcome.

The proper approach starts with setting an appointment with your doctor. Sure, you can read self help articles online and consult with worldly friends, but no one is going to be better suited to truly beating this problem than your doctor. But you want to make sure you’re ready. You don’t want to come unprepared, grasping at straws as you attempt to figure out what’s wrong with you. No, when it comes to ED, it’s smart to go into the doctor’s office with a plan.

As such, here are some key points to touch on when speaking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction:

– Make sure to note all relevant factors about your ED. When did you first notice your erectile issues? Did it develop gradually or suddenly? Does it only happen when you try to have sex? Be thorough.
– Make a list of all potentially relevant recent life changes. Has work been more stressful lately? Have you made any major changes to your diet? Have you been fighting with your significant other? These factors may seem inconsequential, but they could be the key to unlocking your problem.
– Once you determined the cause of your erectile dysfunction, ask the most important question: Can my ED be treated?
– If your ED can be treated, what exactly are the treatment options?
– Once the cause of your erectile dysfunction has been established, determine who you need to see about it. Will you continue to see your doctor? Do you need a specialist?

Remember, come in prepared, roll with the punches, and you should be able to figure out a way to overcome your erectile problems.