The great thing about sex is that it can be so spontaneous. One moment you’re sharing a drink with your partner, the next you’re slipping between the sheets. Alcohol has a way of loosening people up, which can certainly up the chances of spontaneity. So if you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, the day may come when you find yourself ready to knock boots after a couple drinks. But you know you’re going to need your ED medication to get things in working order downstairs. Would it be the worst thing in the world to take one little ED pill with your beer?

While it may sound harmless, mixing erectile dysfunction drugs and alcohol can be a recipe for disaster. Like any medication, mixing an ED drug and large quantities of alcohol can lead to internal issues such as diarrhea and vomiting. If that doesn’t scare you off, if you drink a lot and then pop an ED drug, the odds are good that the drug may not even work, effectively putting you out a pill and a night of fun.

But that’s not to say that erectile dysfunction medication can’t be taken the moment a drop of alcohol has passed your lips. Research has found that light to moderate alcohol consumption will not ultimately effect the ability to properly process erectile dysfunction medication. In fact, a study published in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics found no adverse reactions between consuming Viagra with a glass of red wine.

So, if you’re thinking about drinking and it seems as though sex may lay in your future, keep your drinking in check. A little bit won’t hurt you, but too much and your night of lovemaking may be ruined.