It’s been said that briefs make the man. A man’s choice in undergarments can say a lot about him, and can lead to arguments between men over which undergarment is superior. There are those that swear by boxers, while others cannot imagine life without underwear. But as long as this debate has raged, there have been men claiming that underwear can lead to problems in the bedroom. They say that tighty whiteys can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction, but when pressed most men will admit they don’t know exactly how this happens. Is there any truth to this tall tale? Will men that wear tight underwear develop erectile dysfunction?

Well, men that wear tight underwear, this is kind of a good news/bad news situation. No, wearing tight underwear cannot cause erectile dysfunction, no matter how tight those undies are. But tight underwear can lead to other issues downstairs; namely, it can seriously affect your sperm count.

Yes, while tight underwear may not lead to ED, it can wreak serious havoc on your testicles. This is due to the fact that underwear brings the genitals closer to the body. Normally, this isn’t a terrible thing, but the testacies prefer to situate themselves away from the body. This is because the body produces heat, and prolonged exposure to this heat inhibits the testacies ability to regulate internal temperature for sperm production. As the temperature rises, sperm essentially gets cooked and dies, and the body will struggle to produce sperm in this new found environment.

So, while tight undies won’t lead to erectile dysfunction, they will most certainly lead to sperm count issues. That’s not to say that you need to give up on your trust tighty whiteys just yet. Just invest in a pair that’s not quite so snug and your testes should be okay.