By now, it’s pretty much established that there is no miracle food that is capable of staving off erectile dysfunction single handedly. ED experts have combed the Earth in search of a naturally occurring food that can keep erectile issues at bay, only to come up empty handed time and time again. But that’s not to say that there aren’t certain foods that can help turn the tides against erectile dysfunction.
Case in point: Leafy greens. No, that doesn’t mean you can eat all the iceberg lettuce wedges you want and hold onto your erection. This refers to leafy green veggies such as celery and spinach. This little wonder foods are chock full of nitrates, which have been found to facilitate a healthy erection.
This is because the nitrates found in leafy greens are vasodilators. Vasodilators have been found to open up the blood vessels within the body, which helps to improve blood flow. When these vasodilators go to work, they tend to affect the smallest arteries in the body first, which includes the bundle of arteries that lead into the penis and are responsible for providing the blood necessary for an erection. Thus, the more leafy greens you incorporate into your diet, the better your blood flow, thus improving your chance of avoiding erectile dysfunction.
That’s not to say that subsisting entirely off of spinach will ensure that you’ll never have to worry about ED. Be active, avoid vices such as cigarettes, and eat plenty of the leafy greens, and your erection should be safe for years to come.