As a man enters his golden years, it is inevitable that the body will begin to change. Previously limber joints will begin to crick and crack, backs that used to be as strong as an ox’s will become brittle and sensitive, and the body will struggle to produce an erection. At least, that’s what the common consensus seems to be. It is an accepted fact of life that old age means the loss of the erection, and men seem to accept this simply as inevitability.

But the truth is that erectile dysfunction is not set in stone; true, it does become more prevalent as a man ages, but it is not guaranteed. ED, like all body ailments, is reliant upon how you live your life. In the same way that your heart will remain strong thanks to consistent exercise and healthy living, the same goes for your erection. By making positive life choices, avoiding vices (over drinking, smoking, etc.), and staying active, experts estimate that it is possible for a man to retain the ability to achieve an erection well into his late 80’s.

But not everyone strives to stay in peak physical condition. For men who live a normal life, the expectancy of ED development rises. Research has found that ED is most likely to develop in men over the age of 60. It can certainly develop before this magical number, but 60 is the most commonly reported age for ED development. From there on in, the chances of erectile dysfunction will only continue to rise.

So, if ED is accepted as inevitable, 60 seems to be the age at which men need to worry about the issue. But it’s never too late to change this; by making positive lifestyle choices, eating well, and getting active, it’s possible to maintain a healthy sex life well into your 80’s. But don’t put these changes off until it’s too late. Make the right choices now, and your erection will thank you.