When it comes to a sexual issue like erectile dysfunction, the root cause isn’t always sexual in nature. ED may occur due to stress at work, or feelings of depression, or worries over financial stability. But because ED affects a sexual organ, the common thought is that the cause of the issue must also be sexual.
As such, when a man suddenly finds himself unable to achieve an erection, his partner may begin to wonder if it could be due to deep-seated issues concerning attraction. Does not being able to achieve an erection mean the man is no longer interested in his partner? Does it mean that the man no longer finds his partner attractive? The partner may begin to think that the ED has appeared because the man just doesn’t care for them anymore, which spirals into feelings of resentment, which in turn morphs into bigger problems.
But remember, erectile dysfunction is not caused solely be sexual issues. When a man suddenly struggles to achieve an erection, it is not because his partner does not make him sexually excited anymore. Odds are there is something mental, or perhaps even physical, going on that is causing the issue to happen. But in no way, shape, or form does erectile dysfunction indicate that a man is no longer attracted to his partner.
If you find yourself questioning if your man’s ED is due to attraction issues, sit him down and talk. Open discussion of erectile dysfunction is always awkward, but your man can assure you that the problem isn’t attraction based. With a little open discussion, and the help of a medical professional, together you can get to the root of the problem, find a way to overcome it, and reclaim your sex life.