When it comes to erectile dysfunction, it may feel like you’re in a deep, dark hole with no way out. After all, even with a steady diet of ED drugs, it can feel like you’ll never be able to shake your erectile woes off. But when it comes to treating ED, it pays to look after your body. By exercising, getting active, and eating well, you’ll put your body back on track and save your sex life.

But while anyone can cut out fatty foods and sweets, what foods should a man incorporate into his diet to overcome erectile dysfunction? Unfortunately, there isn’t any one “miracle food” that will put pep in a man’s step and return his erection to its former glory. But there are plenty of foods that have been found to facilitate a healthy erection. By investing in these foods, and eating them regularly, you’ll be giving your body a fighting chance to overcome your erectile problems.

If you’re looking for foods to help you beat ED, keep your eyes peeled for these tasty treats the next time you’re at the grocery store:

Dark chocolate (Really! Dark chocolate has flavonoids that help to improve blood circulation. But enjoy it in moderation.)

Leafy greens and beats (These veggies are chock full of nitrates, which help the body to open up blood vessels and improve blood flow.)

Watermelon (Filled with phytonutrients, which relax the blood vessels.)

Tomatoes (This fruit is filled with lycopene, which is good for opening up the blood vessels and improving blood flow.)

You’ll notice all these foods focus on improving blood flow, which is a surefire way to get blood quicker to the penis, ensuring that the body has an easier time achieving an erection.

While these foods won’t beat ED on their own, they’ll definitely give you a helping hand. So if you’re looking to overcome erectile issues, consider mixing up your diet with these foods.