Like a thief in the night, erectile dysfunction creeps up on you and suddenly makes your sex life much more complicated, and you didn’t even see it coming. While many health complications are saddled with red flags that allow a perceptive person to realize that something is amiss, it feels as though erectile dysfunction just strikes without warning. But is that the case? If a man knew what he was looking for, could he potentially spot developing erectile dysfunction and actively prevent it?

Well, unfortunately, ED is not the kind of health complication that is kind enough to give you an early warning. But that’s not to say that ED is completely unreadable. While it is true that erectile dysfunction cannot exactly be anticipated, you can learn a lot from how the erectile dysfunction afflicts you.

Erectile dysfunction comes in two forms: Temporary and long lasting. To the common man, any erectile issues whatsoever may cause them to assume it’s a permanent issue, keeping track of how your ED develops can tell you just what form you’re dealing with.

If you suddenly find yourself consistently unable to achieve an erection, perhaps after an event that could have affected you mentally (i.e. stress at work, moving houses, a fight with your spouse), this is temporary erectile dysfunction. By working to get to the root of the issue, it can be overcome.

But if the erectile dysfunction starts out relatively unobtrusive (i.e., only able to achieve a partial erection) but slowly gets worse, this indicates that the cause is likely physical in nature and puts your ED into the long term category. This form of ED can also be overcome, but it will likely require consultation with a doctor, medication, and serious work.

So, no, there is no way to tell when ED will up and strike. But should you develop ED, pay attention, as the signs of your erectile problems may just help you to regain your sex life.