With the country making strides towards being more accepting of offbeat and alternative lifestyles, the drug known as marijuana is slowly transforming from a socially stigmatized narcotic into a medicinal alternative that also functions as a relaxant. But while marijuana may be becoming more openly accepted, the drug is still saddled with its fair share of misconceptions. There are still plenty that think of marijuana as nothing but a mind erasing, laziness-encouraging devil weed. In addition to being a good-for-nothing drug, many people are under the impression that smoking marijuana can lead to health complications, such as the dreaded erectile dysfunction.

The association at least makes some kind of sense: The rationale is that marijuana causes the body to become sluggish, which translates into slowed blood flow to the penis, leading to ED. But let’s clear the air here: No matter how often someone partakes in marijuana, they are at no higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction than men who do not smoke marijuana.

While it’s true that marijuana does have its side effects (after all, partaking in anything too often, including marijuana, can lead to issues within the body), rest assured that erectile dysfunction is not one of them.

But that’s not to say smoking marijuana makes a man immune to developing erectile issues. Marijuana-enthusiast or no, all men are susceptible to developing ED. So no matter where you fall on the marijuana enjoyment spectrum, make positive lifestyle choices, stay active, and keep your your erection healthy.