Erectile dysfunction is a serious issue that effects millions of men worldwide, but its still seen as an issue for the old and sexually inexperienced in the court of public opinion. As a real health issue, there are plenty of drugs on the market that help men suffering from ED to overcome their health problems and engage in sexual intercourse. But these ED drugs are widely regarded as sexual enhancers, designed to turn the man that ingests them into an insatiable love machine that can last in the bedroom for hours and never has to worry about reaching orgasm. The general consensus is that ED is not a real issue, but ED drugs are miracle drugs for sex. So, is there any truth to this? Can erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra really boost your sexual performance?

This misconception concerning ED drugs and sexual performance is just that: a misconception. Despite long-standing rumors, ED drugs are not designed to improve your sexual performance, nor have they been found to assist a man in lasting longer in intercourse.

Rather, erectile dysfunction drugs are simply meant to be used for men that struggle to achieve an erection. When taken, these drugs help the body to bypass the issues causing erectile dysfunction, such as clogged arteries or slowed blood flow, and get the requisite blood to the penis necessary for an erection.

Even with an ED drug ingested, erections must be achieved the old fashioned way; i.e. through stimulation. Popping a Viagra will not cause an instantaneous erection to occur.

So if a man is looking for a drug to help improve his performance between the sheets, he’ll need to look elsewhere. Erectile dysfunction drugs are only intended to assist in achieving an erections, and that’s it.