When it comes time to hop between the sheets, its understandable that a man might be nervous about his ability to perform. After all, sex is meant to be an enjoyable experience for all parties, so leaving your partner unsatisfied can be downright embarrassing. This leads to many men keeping a close eye on their performance during intercourse. Is she enjoying this? Should I switch positions? I read about this crazy move online; should I try it? For these men, sex is an act to be monitored and rated. Ironically, men who try the hardest to do well in the bedroom might actually put themselves at a higher risk of developing issues in the bedroom.

The act of a man overthinking his sexual performance has been given a name: “Spectatoring.” For these men, every thrust, every shimmy is a motion to be looked over and dissected, all in the name of improving sexual performance. For these men, they are unable to just enjoy the activity; rather, they must make sure they are the very best. Thus, the term “spectatoring;” for these men, it’s almost like they are a fan at a sports game spectating the event rather than taking part in the act.

This excessive eye for detail can often lead to anxiety for the man, as the man will be so caught up in ensuring that he is doing a good job that the sex becomes almost secondary. This anxiety can actually impair sexual activity, which can, in turn, lead to erectile issues. As the man experiences what should be a temporary erectile problem, worries over the issue cause the erectile woes to snowball, turning what was a bump in the road into a full blown problem.

So, yes, monitoring one’s own sexual performance can lead to issues under the sheets. It is advised that men do not get so caught up in dissecting his every sexual maneuver; rather, take a mental step back, get out of your own head, and enjoy the activity. This way, sex will be more enjoyable all around, and you don’t run the risk of losing your erection. Really, it’s a win/win.