Your alarm goes off. After you speed through shaving and a shower, you set aside a couple precious moments to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee swimming in cream and a nice, big bowl of sugary cereal. After you scarf down breakfast, you rush off to work, where you will later consume more sugary coffee. Repeat Monday through Friday for 30 years. Sure, having a sugary coffee or a bowl of Chocolate Choco Flakes every once in a while isn’t the end of the world. But can continually exposing your body to sugar lead to issues down the line? Could it lead to you developing erectile dysfunction?
Well, it’s not the sugar that could potentially do your erection in. Rather, it’s what the sugar can cause that men should be afraid of. You see, a diet rich in sugar and fat is a quick way to develop diabetes, which is so much more than occasionally having to prick your finger for a blood check.
Type II Diabetes is the development of diabetes through poor lifestyle choices, and it can affect your daily life in a litany of ways. In addition to changing your diet, diabetes can put a serious damper on your sex life. This is because type II diabetes changes your typically healthy blood into a new concoction dubbed O-GlcNAc blood. This type of blood requires constant supervision to ensure that the blood sugar levels within the body remain level. Should the blood sugar levels in a man’s blood fluctuate, the blood can actually interfere with a vital step in the erectile process.
Sugar high blood hampers the production of nitric oxide within the body, which is required to alert the penile smooth muscles that it is time to get to work and produce an erection. Without this NO, the penis cannot physically get erect, even with a steady supply of blood. If blood sugar levels continue to stay at an unhealthy level, it can lead to internal issues that can make a temporary issue like erectile dysfunction permanent.
So, no, sugary foods in and of itself will not cause your erection to up and die. But the diabetes that can develop as a result of eating too much sugary food certainly can. Eat healthy and make positive lifestyle choices and your erection should be just fine.