It’s finally happened. While you tried so hard to avoid it, you find yourself grappling with erectile dysfunction. You keep racking your brain to find a cause, but you’re just not sure where to assign blame. Could it be the stress from the new project at work? Have you been drinking too much lately? Could something be wrong internally? Just how, you might wonder, can I figure out what is causing my ED?
While the process of determine what malady specifically is causing your erectile dysfunction can be a bit tricky, there is an easy, surefire way to figure if your erectile woes are related to a mental hang-up or a physical issue. You do it in the safety of your own home, and it’s so easy that you can literally do it in your sleep.
This home test will require a roll of stamps, so pick up a batch of adhesive stamps. Once these stamps have been acquired, wait until your bedtime rolls around. When you’re about ready to hit the hay, it’s time to get to work on the test.
Using the stamps, make a complete, uninterrupted circle around the base of your flaccid penis. It’s important not to start the circle too high in the pubic region; it is vital that the stamps are put at the exact base of the penis. Double check to make sure there are no gaps in the circle, and then you’re free to throw on your favorite pair of boxers and go to sleep.
In the morning, check the ring. As the body produces at least one erection every night, if the erectile dysfunction is mental in nature, the ring will be broken, indicating that an erection was achieved. However, if the ring of stamps remains unbroken, this indicates that the root cause of your ED is more than likely physical in nature, as your body was not capable of producing an erection even during sleep.
With this newfound information, you can better approach the treatment of your erectile dysfunction. Work with a health professional to determine the best way to overcome your specific brand of ED, and you should be back to normal in no time.