When faced like an issue like erectile dysfunction, men will often explore any and all avenues of treatment as they race for a cure. Sure, there are plenty of pills that can help a man to keep his love life alive, but how about a permanent solution? If there isn’t a drug that can help a man to beat erectile dysfunction, surely there must be an all-natural solution that can be used to overcome ED?

Well, yes and no. For those looking for a cure-all plant or herb that can miraculously turn back the hands of time and return a man’s erection to its former glory, well, such a cure-all does not exist. Sure, there are naturally occurring plants, such as the Yohimbe root, that can replicate the results of erectile-assisting drugs such as Viagra. But extensive research has yet to find a ED-beating plant.

But erectile dysfunction can still be beaten naturally; it just takes a little more work. If a man’s ED is physical in nature, caused by eating poorly or drinking too much, it will require some positive lifestyle changes to overcome. Eating a diet rich in fruits and grains can do wonders for the body and blood circulation, while exercising daily and cutting out vices such as cigarettes can help to generally improve your way of live. Physically-induced ED can typically be stomped out at the source by working to improve the body and by continuing to make positive life choices after the ED has gone away.

So, no, there isn’t any wonder plant that will make beating erectile dysfunction easy. But if you’re looking to skip the doctors and pills, just work to improve your lifestyle choices and, in time, your erectile should get back to being its old self.