Men will do just about anything to protect their erection. For many men, the very concept on not being able to stay sexually active is enough to keep them away from vices such as cigarettes and steroids. But what about the food we eat? Even the most erectile-minded man probably only gives minimal thought to the food he’s consuming. Could the food we’re putting in our bodies actually end up being the cause of erectile dysfunction?

Actually, it is possible. Research has found that consistently consuming certain kinds of food do put a man at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, to save your erection and your sex life, we’ve compiled a list of the three food groups you want to avoid to keep your erection happy and healthy.

Fried Foods: While fried food is delicious, it definitely isn’t good for your erection. The oils utilized in frying food have been found to be downright awful for the body, contributing to the development of heart issues, cholesterol problems, and, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

Soy: While soy might seem harmless, the truth is that it can cause issues internally in men. This is because consuming soy can actually have an estrogenic effect; meaning that when soy is consumed, estrogen levels rise and your hormones get out of whack. This can cause a decrease in sexual function, which translates into erectile dysfunction.

Canned Foods: Sure, canned food can be convenient, but a chemical known as Bisphenol-A (or BPA) is commonly found in canned foods. This little chemical can inhibit sexual hormones, leading to missed erections, decreased sexual desires, and a litany of sexual issues. Skip the canned variety and opt for fresh.

It might be hard to cut these foods out of your diet, but your erection will thank you. Make smart choices, eat well, and erectile dysfunction will be the last of your worries.