In this big, crazy thing we call “life,” it takes all types to make the world go ‘round. For some men, a cold drink after a hard day is the best way to unwind. For others, a muscle-burning workout is the preferred way to shake off stress. But for others, it’s marijuana that is turned to when its time to relax. While laws related to the little green leaf are changing, utilizing marijuana is still something of a taboo topic. But that doesn’t stop thousands of men from partaking in the illegal drug every day, be it as a way to relax or a way to enhance other activities. But much like having a drink every day, men who constantly partake in marijuana must find themselves thinking: Could this give me erectile dysfunction?

In the same way that consistent drinking can cause issues internally that spiral into erectile dysfunction, weed users find themselves wondering if the constant smoking could be setting them up for problems in the bedroom.

Well, marijuana aficionados have one less thing to worry about: Despite years of research, no connection has been found between smoking marijuana and developing ED. But that’s not to say that weed is great for your sex life, either; rather, daily marijuana use might affect a man sexually in other ways.

Namely, studies have found that men that smoke before engaging in sexual activity can often have difficulties reaching orgasm. For some, this might not sound so bad, but the inability to reach conclusion during sex can be downright frustrating and upsetting.

So daily marijuana enjoyment won’t lead to erectile dysfunction, but it isn’t exactly a miracle drug that will help your sex life. Like all things in life, if you enjoy marijuana, do so in moderation.