As long as there has been sex, there have been silly urban legends surrounding it. After all, pretty much every man ever has heard that enjoying “alone time” too much can lead to hairy palms and death, and we all know that’s not true. But there is one oddball rumor that continues to persevere, despite sounding so wrong that its downright comical. Despite pretty much every basis of knowledge saying otherwise, there are still men that believe menstrual blood is toxic to the body, and if it comes into contact with the penis it can cause erectile dysfunction.

For most men, their partners’ “special time of the month” brings their sex life to a screeching halt. But there are plenty of adventurous couples who work around this natural road bump and continue their sexual escapades uninterrupted. The topic of “period sex” is a touchy one amongst men, as many call it disgusting while others call it natural. But there is a small subsection of men that believes that engaging in intercourse while a woman is on her period can actually contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.

While many men turn up their noses at the concept of menstruation, the truth is that it’s a natural, necessary part to being a woman. What menstruation isn’t, however, is toxic or harmful. Of course, it’s advised that a woman utilizes a tampon or some other blood-collecting device during this time, but engaging in intercourse while a woman is menstruating will cause no issues in a man’s body.

The legend goes that because menstruation is a woman’s body purging of the lining of the uterus, the blood contains harmful toxins that can cause issues on the body.

A woman is many things on her period: Tired, crampy, and maybe a little moody. But she definitely isn’t toxic. Engage in intercourse during menstruation at your own discretion, but no man will ever have to worry about developing erectile dysfunction from period blood.