These days, it seems as though more and more things are being classified as things that might kill you. While it might seem like all the foods you enjoy are suddenly little bushels of certain death, there is one food group that seems to be saving instead of killing: Wine. More specifically, red wine. While milk and honey might get branded life enders, red wine is being trumpeted as a miracle cure all that can help the body fight off everything from wrinkles to cavities. But can this tasty beverage help men to stave off erectile issues? Should men stock up on pallets of red wine? Men wait on bated breath for the answer to the big question: Can red wine prevent erectile dysfunction?
According to research, it just might. That’s not to say that guzzling a bottle of the red stuff will help a man already afflicted with ED; rather, it’s been found that consuming red wine in moderation can help the body to prevent from developing erectile issues.
This is because red wine is chock full of a power packed antioxidant known as the “flavonoid.” Scientifically known as anthocyanins, the flavonoid has miraculous anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to encourage healthy blood flow throughout the body. By drinking as little as one glass of red wine a day, a man can put his body at a 14 percent lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction. This is because the body uses these flavonoids to relax the blood vessels, which ensures that blood flows quickly and efficiently to where its needed the most, including the penis when its time to produce an erection.
While research is still shaky on whether red wine can reverse the effects of erectile dysfunction, men looking to prevent the development of the dreaded sexual issue should stock up on plenty of red wine. By pairing a nice red with a healthy meal every night, you can enjoy a delicious drink all while ensuring your sex life stays happy and active.