A famous bowler once said “If you will it, it is no dream, dude.” Using this rationale, most men spend every waking moment thinking about sex, hoping to will sex into their lives by having the act of knocking boots on the brain. The truth is that all men think about sex, but some tend to take it to the extreme. After all, devoting all that brainpower to thinking about hopping into bed can’t possibly be good for a man, right? But on the other hand, thinking about something you enjoy is totally normal, so concentrating on sex might be healthy, right? So does thinking frequently about sex put a man at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, but probably not for the reason you think.
You see, while sex is innately physical in nature, it is also a decidedly cerebral activity. After all, for everything to work properly your brain has to send the right signals at the right time. If your mind is unclouded, the right signals are sent, everything works as you should, and both partners can get down to the task at hand.
But if the brain is preoccupied, things can get a little problematic. If a man opts to focus on other things during sex, such as stress at work or money issues, the brain might essentially prioritize these thoughts, leading to signals for the erection to get to work to get lost in the shuffle.
The same principal applies to sexual thoughts, but in reverse. If the brain devotes so much time to thinking about sex that it becomes all-consuming, sex can prove to be too much for the brain, causing your grey matter to send the signals downstairs for an orgasm quickly. As the brain associates sex with excitement, it reacts by pushing the man to pleasure quickly, similar to masturbation.
So, yes, having sex on the brain can contribute to issues in the bedroom. It can be hard to control your thoughts, but try not to have carnal pleasures on your mind all the time. Instead of thinking about sex, just enjoy the sex when it comes.