Like the worst things in life, erectile dysfunction always seems to strike at the most inopportune time, arriving without warning to totally ruin your sex life. But what if that erectile dysfunction isn’t arriving without warning? After all, many body affecting issues are precipitated by warning signs of some kind; i.e., tingling in the arms before a heart attack, numbness in the face before a stroke, etc. Working from this logic, shouldn’t erectile dysfunction have some telltale signs to alert a man that the affliction is right around the corner? If so, what are the warning signs of erectile dysfunction?

Unfortunately, as much as man wish it were true, there simply aren’t any warning signs for ED. The issue tends to crop up unexpectedly, and the body does not offer any white flags to alert the body that the issue is on the horizon.

But while ED doesn’t have any tried and true warning signs, erectile dysfunction itself can serve as a warning sign for its root cause. You see, by paying attention to your ED, a man can actually get some insight into what is causing the ED, and then seek appropriate help.

Erectile dysfunction breaks down into two categories: Physical and mental. ED that is physical in nature is typically caused by issues related to the heart; i.e. weakened blood output, blocked arteries, etc. If the ED is related to a physical issue, the man will incapable of achieving an erection even while unconscious. If the man never wakes up with an erection, this is an indication the root cause is physical.

But if the man struggles to achieve an erection during intercourse, but often finds himself waking up with an erection, this indicates the root cause is mental in nature. This means the body is physically capable of producing an erection, but a mental hang-up (depression, anxiety, guilt, etc.) is causing the men to not be able to achieve an erection consciously.

So, no, you won’t be able to look for telltale clues to let you know when ED is coming. But by paying attention when it rears its ugly head, you’ll be able to shake it off that much quicker.