You know what they say: Nothing good in life is good for you. This goes double for soda, the sickly sweet beverage that millions of men across the world swear by. Whether it’s the neon green Mountain Dew or the more subdued Coca-Cola, soda drinkers drink the syrupy liquid refreshment with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But while the occasional pop never killed anyone, can the same be said about habitual soda drinking? After all, with soda chock full of sugar, all that sweetness can’t be good for the body, or for the erection. But does drinking soda cause erectile dysfunction?
Like all exceedingly sugary things in life, soda is meant to be enjoyed in moderation. This is because sugar not only packs on the pounds, but it can also mess with your heart. And for this reason, drinking too much soda really can cause erectile dysfunction.
The erection depends upon a steady flow of blood to function properly. Should blood flow to the penis falter, this can lead to missed erections and, eventually, erectile dysfunction. When a man regularly drinks soda, the sugary sweetness can actually clog up arteries and prevent proper blood flow to the penis.
This is because the small arteries in the body are always the first affected by artery clogging, and there are no smaller arteries in the body then the batch that lead to the penis. As a result, by ritually drinking soda, this cluster of arteries becomes obstructed, leading to blood struggling to reach the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.
That’s not to say that one or two sodas a week will guarantee erectile dysfunction. But daily consumption of soda can put a man on the fast track to a wider waistline, type 2 diabetes, and, yes, erectile dysfunction.