As men age, their bodies tend to encounter a litany of problems: Creaky joints, stiff back, diminished hearing, and, yes, erectile dysfunction. It’s true: Research has found that men over 40 are 3 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction then their 18-29 year old counterparts. As ED becomes more prevalent in aging men, conversations concerning erectile woes also become more common. But just because it’s a necessary conversation doesn’t make it any easier to have; after all, talking with anyone, regardless of age, about ED can feel very embarrassing. So how is an older men supposed to tell a new partner about his erectile dysfunction?
Dating is hard enough without bringing erectile dysfunction into the mix. But for many older men, ED is a fact of life, and must be discussed with possible new sexual partners.
As such, follow the following tips when telling your new partner about your ED:
Don’t beat around the bush: Instead of holding off on telling the truth about your ED, but straight forward and honest. Discuss how often you deal with ED, and discuss how you tend to handle ED when it occurs.
Remember there are workarounds: Stress that ED doesn’t mean no sex at all; rather, you’ll just have to follow some guidelines when engaging in sexual activity. Ask your partner to be patient and understanding.
Discuss options: From pills that get to work immediately to pills that take a while to kick in, there are plenty of drug options for addressing ED. Talk frankly with your partner about how you can address ED and sex.
Remember: It can be awkward to discuss ED, but for older men, it’s a necessary evil. Be open, be honest, and be understanding, and you and your new partner should have no problem working around your ED to achieve a wonderful, fulfilling sex life.